How the War Is Won: the Astonishing Meaning of Revelation 12:11

Please take a moment and read these verses first: 1 Corinthians 1:23 (NASB) “…but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” Revelation 12:11 NRSV “But they have conquered him by […]
The War in Heaven – Revelation 12

“If once the curtain were pulled back, and the spiritual world behind it came to view, it would expose to our spiritual vision a struggle so intense, so convulsive, sweeping everything within its range, that the fiercest battle ever fought on earth would seem, by comparison, a mere game. Not here, but up there—that is […]
“Have You Never Read…?”: On Our Need to Focus on the Reading of Scripture

In the Gospel of Matthew – Jesus repeatedly challenges his detractors and inquisitors with the question “haven’t you read?” (12:3, 5; 19:4; 21:16, 42; 22:31). He follows these words with quotes and stories from the Scriptures. Jesus knew his Bible. He seems to have committed much of the Torah, Writings, and Prophets to memory – Genesis, […]
Revelation 11: The Unstoppable Witness of the Church

Sometimes, we just wonder how our witness for Jesus Christ can survive and even thrive. How on earth will the Church of Jesus Christ transition to the next generation in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges from an increasingly hostile secular culture? I write as an Evangelical who knows that there is so much in […]
The Seven Thunders of Revelation 10: Part 1

As promised, I hereby present my humble perspective on “The Seven Thunders” of Revelation 10. It will be necessary to read through Chapter 10 – please read it now – in a modern translation – preferably the New International Version or the New Living Translation. Why would John be allowed to hear the Thunders only […]
On Our Need to Continually Call Upon the Spirit and Listen

“God hardly gives His Spirit even to those whom He has established in grace, if they do not pray for it on all occasions, not only once, but many times. ‘God does nothing but in answer to prayer; and even they who have been converted to God, without praying for it themselves (which is exceeding rare), were […]
A Revelation for Witness: God Is Calling All Of Us To Eat the “Little Scroll.”

Ok, once again, it’s Monday Morning is upon us. But I’m not feeling especially “bluesy” on this day. It may have to do with the Dodgers. I don’t know. They won last night. I’m starting to worry about how baseball affects my emotional state. Pray for me – the postseason is almost here and the […]
Pastoral Letter: Our Prayers – As They Really Are

Good morning everyone; At the start of the book of Revelation, John tells us two things about himself and his situation – these are important to understand as they set the stage for all that follows in the Book of Revelation. Prior to the 7 visions he receives he makes these two key statements: 1. […]